Links to other companies

Links To Other Companies

On this page you will find carefully selected companies who Piano Disposals UK recommend.

Links to other good companies are welcomed on this page, contact us to add your company.

Bellwoods Removals are house removal specialists based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. If you`re moving house, give them a call on 01484 538917. Click Here to visit their web site.

If you are looking to style your car, have a look at this car accessory web site.

Piano Disposal experts covering the whole of the United Kingdom

If you need a piano disposing of anywhere in the United Kingdom, then contact us today for a free quotation.

We have fine tuned the piano disposal process, less than 1% of your piano will go to landfill (sometimes 0%), the metal is fully recycled and the wood is eventually turned in to briquettes.